Mobile – A luxury or necessity…??!!
In the fast paced world of today, communication forms an integral part and the means of communication such as the mobile phone has become a lifeline. Not many years ago; food, water, shelter and clothing were necessities and now mobile phones find a place in this list. Once a luxury commodity and only a privilege of the elite, now gets a prime place in the lives of one and all, from a poor peasant to anyone and everyone as it has been made easily available and affordable.
The mobile phone also forms the primary choice for entertainment and means of connecting with one another as one can now play various games, watch movies and television at a click of a button on the mobile and even find lost friends to reconnect with the help of various social media options which are user-friendly and as simple as clicking a button.
Love Birds:
A place to be alone and only with themselves is what Love Birds crave for but unfortunately in our city there is no such space where they could spend some time in togetherness. Mumbai is a beautiful city where almost three parts of the city is surrounded by the sea which makes it a wonderful place altogether to go for a walk with your loved one or for a small get away together. The city will offer you loads of places, very romantic, to go with your loved one and spend a few hours but unlike in other countries, there are no demarcated places and this gives rise to a social problem.
The sea itself paves way for a lot of beautiful viewing and what more do you require when your favourite person is right by your side? But there are groups of people in the society who would not appreciate these Love Birds having their solace and hence create a nuisance to the society by so-called Moral Policing and shooing these ‘Birds’ away every often from almost all public places.