Mass Marriages at Vadaj
The concept of Mass marriages was born way back in 1983 in the village of Vadaj. The working class who had settled in Mumbai and belonged to Vadaj were required to take leave and make provisions in their busy Mumbai schedule to attend wedding ceremonies of their relatives in Vadaj. This at times seemed a difficult task due to the hectic life of Mumbai and this gave rise to the novel idea of Mass Marriages. The people contributed money and conducted 5 marriages at one go in Village Vadaj. This concept became soon very popular and Mass marriages became a regular feature. This saved people time, efforts and money.
Now there is a Community Hall build in the premises of the Kulswami Khanderai temple in Vadaj by the Kulswami Khanderai Temple Trust. This hall has the capacity of conducting 25 marriages at one time and 7,000 people can attend these weddings at a time. The ceremony is conducted with utmost discipline and efficient time management. The families of the bride and bridegroom pool in monetary contributions for the Mass marriage and it works out very economical as per couple charge is only Rs. 21,000/- for the entire wedding ceremony.